Accord Management


Accord Management Expertly Manages Assets and Fosters Communities




Uniting affordable housing development and community-based service enrichment for senior, family, and immigrant and refugee communities



 Fostering mixed-use, affordable housing development and preservation and providing property management and program management services for mixed income, intergenerational and thriving communities.



Coordinating government, banks, investors, grantors, real estate asset management, institutional and contractual compliance, grant administration, program management and development advisory services for sustainable growth


Accord Management provides decades of expertise and care to manage the assets that bring financial value to a community and provides service enrichment to properties that foster a community and make a neighborhood priceless. Accord Management serves as both an asset manager as well as a community steward. We unite affordable housing and community-based service enrichment for senior, family, and immigrant communities. We specialize in real estate and asset management, institutional and contractual compliance, program management, grant administration, and development advisory services.

Service enrichment for senior communities

Accord Management specializes in stewarding communities of our elders. The unique needs of senior communities wishing to age in place range from physical design to services available. We manage both the physical properties as well as the community-based services necessary to ensure our elders can age with independence and dignity. Our properties offer congregate facilities and abundant spaces for socialization and services. Our team helps coordinate services ranging from mid-day meals, mobile markets, transportation, book mobiles, visiting nurses, homemakers, physical therapists, and more. We create the space for support networks to continue serving their loved ones and clients as our residents age in place. 

Service Enrichment for Multi Family Housing

Accord Management integrates traditional property management with social services and educational opportunities tailored to our communities. We foster communities through programs like early childhood education, summer reading, and lunch programs, swim lessons, workforce development, and language classes, to name a few.  Through service coordination, cultural competency, and compassionate care our team nurtures thriving neighborhoods within each of our communities.

Program management for senior and multi family housing

Accord Management is deeply committed to the preservation of affordable housing and utilizes their conscientious and expert program management skills to facilitate projects through every iteration. Adding to Accords own broad skillset in stewardship, the team also has the ability to tap into the experience of it’s sister enterprises within the Praxia Partners family to provide consultation and development advisory functions to partners implementing, resyndicating and preserving affordable housing projects. Accord’s ability to maintain stabilized operations and provide advisory services to support the feasibility, financing and underwriting of the communities they manage serves the needs of both owner and resident. Coupling a deep understanding of the communities they manage with the broad knowledge of development tools at their disposal, the Accord team has the capacity to provide an interdisciplinary skillset to it’s partners and is a proud long standing partner of mission driven organizations working to create and preserve affordable housing in our communities.

Collaboration and coordination with Local Partners

Accord Management is proud to have partnered with the following nonprofits to ensure service enrichment: Children’s Hunger Alliance, LifeCare Alliance, Mid-Ohio Food Bank, Homeport by Columbus Housing Partnership, Columbus City Schools, Columbus State Community College ESL Afterschool Communities, Licking County Aging Program, Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging, and Franklin County Office on Aging.


Check out some of the properties we currently manage.
From downtown Columbus to Newark, Ohio our properties are full of thriving, vibrant communities.

Corban Commons

90 units / senior housing
Columbus, Ohio
Managed since 2009

Providence glen

144 units / multi-family
Columbus, Ohio
Managed since 2009

Sharon Glyn

60 units / senior housing
Newark, Ohio
Managed since 2002

Stratford East

82 units / senior housing
Columbus, Ohio
Managed since 2018

Praxia Partners