Our Accord team just picked up our community’s monthly supplies of goods for our seniors, thanks to the Salvation Army and
the State of Ohio- and we could not be more grateful!

The Commodity Supplemental Food Program is a monthly program that works to improve the health of low-income persons at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA foods. The USDA distributes both food and administrative funds to participating states, in Ohio, that’s through the Ohio Department of Job ad Family Services. And then the state creates pick up sites in our community for the distribution. This monthly program has a pick up site at the Salvation Army on Karl Road, and our team has been picking up supplies every month for our seniors through this program for over a decade!
The Commodity Supplemental Food Program is just another example of the ways our resourceful Accord team coordinates with community partners and state services to make sure our community has access to the support they might need!