Accord Management recently hosted another successful Mobile Market at Corban Commons, one of our senior housing communities. With 12 resident and community volunteers and Accord Management staff, we assisted over 90 participants during the June event. Our residents love the mobile market and always leave with full pantries and hearts.

The mobile market is produced through our partnership with Mid Ohio Food Collective (MOFC), the largest food bank in Ohio. MOFC provides more than 170,000 meals daily for hungry people in central and eastern Ohio. A network of 680 member agencies directly distributes most of the nutritious food the Mid-Ohio Collective handles each year.

Accord Management recently passed an annual inspection audit with MOFC, receiving marks as a well-organized site that “runs effortlessly and efficiently.” Accord’s continued partnership with MOFC will continue to provide the right food, in the right place, at the right time.

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