Ninety seniors between the ages of 65-99 call Corban Commons Apartments home. As the threat of coronavirus spread, a group of
our residents stepped up to take care of their neighbors. Kathleen Watson, a member of the Resident Council, told us that she asked herself “Am I my brother’s keeper?” and immediately “jumped into action with the resident council and came up with a group called Daring Faith Wing Angel Volunteers. The Angels of each wing, or the Wing Angel Volunteers enable residents to access the necessities they need while also minimizing the number of outside visitors in their building.”
Ms. Watson told us that all residents received a note with their wing angels name and contact information, so that they could get help if they needed a meal, toilet paper, aspiring, change for laundry, puzzles, etc.
The Wing Angels plan to collect requests from their neighbors and then coordinate with Accord Management to fulfill their neighbor’s needs, sparing them from unnecessary exposure or contamination while Franklin County and the nation gets this virus under control.
The Accord Team is working hard to protect the safety and health of our residents and staff. But our properties are more than just shelter, they are communities. And our Daring Faith Wing Angel Volunteers are just one example of how, even in a global pandemic, our family steps up to take care of each other!