Community Conversations Inform an Age Friendly Ridges

Community Conversations Inform an Age Friendly Ridges

Our Community Building Partners team spent last Saturday May18th in Athens discussing age friendly housing with aging experts and neighbors interested in cocreating an age friendly plan for the Ridges. CBP is developing the Ridges on Ohio University’s campus to...
Community Conversations Inform an Age Friendly Ridges

CBP and DHEO accepted to Housing Institute

Community Building Partners (CBP) is proud to announce that we, along with our long-time collaborative partner Direction Home of Eastern Ohio (DHEO), have been accepted to the 2023-24 Opening New Doors Institute. Hosted by the Corporation for Supportive Housing, the...
Buckeye Fields: The Solar Solution

Buckeye Fields: The Solar Solution

This blog post is part three of four on our recent proposal for Buckeye Fields Senior Apartments. Read Part 1 here, and Part 2 here. One of the challenges with maintaining affordability in any housing development, including senior housing, is reigning in long-term...
Praxia Partners