Solar for All – from DC to Illinois

Our Community Renewable Energy team has been working with potential solar hosts in Illinois to help them access the benefits of low cost clean energy. We are bringing our extensive experience with a similar community focused Solar for All program in DC, to serve...

Applications are Open for Energy Stipend!

For the past few years we’ve been working with our friends at Root + Branch to create a solar project in Washington, DC that shares it’s benefits with it’s neighbors.  This Neighborhood Solar Equity project was supported. by the District of...

Confronting Racism from an Environmental Perspective

Our friends at the Ohio Environmental Council continue to hold fantastic events for our community to plug into the environmental movement and expand their understanding and thinking on climate action! This past week they hosted a discussion about Confronting Racism...

NSE Toolkit Launched

We’re live! This week we launched a website completely dedicated to our Neighborhood Solar Equity- Solar for All project at the George Washington University. Our team created a web toolkit to make our solar project accessible and help our community learn how to...
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